veil hubble
Exploring the unknown behind matter&energy:
Nuclear Physics in&after the making
Welcome to the XIV Latin American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications!

The XIV LATIN-AMERICAN SYMPOSIUM ON NUCLEAR PHYSICS AND APPLICATIONS (LASNPA 2024) will take place from June 17-21, 2024 at the Facultad de Ciencias on the main campus of UNAM, Ciudad Universitaria in Mexico City.

LASNPA 2024 is the 14th edition of a series that started in Venezuela (1995 and 1997), followed by Colombia (1999), Mexico (2001), Brazil (2003), Argentina (2005), Peru (2007), Chile (2009), Ecuador (2011), Uruguay (2013), Colombia (2015), Cuba (2017) and Costa Rica (2020).

The main topics of the symposium are:

  • • Nuclear Structure and Reactions
  • • Nuclear Astrophysics
  • • Neutrons and Fundamental Symmetries
  • • QCD and Hadron Physics
  • • Relativistic Heavy Ions
  • • Nuclear physics in Medicine and Biology
  • • Nuclear Instrumentation, Facilities and Applications

The mural you are seeing in the XIV LASNPA2024 poster is called "La conquista de la energía" ("The Conquest of Energy"). It was painted by José Chávez Morado between 1952 and 1953. It is located in the Auditorium of the former Faculty of Sciences, and soon became one of the iconic murals in UNAM.

José Chávez Morado was a Mexican artist associated with the Third generation of the Mexican muralism movement of the 20th century. What you see is a digital intervention of Chávez's glass mural to represent our continous fears and explorations to unravel the secrets behind the constituent foundations of every physical phenomenon.

The artist's monumental piece of art was, indeed, suitable for the first building in UNAM's University City, that would receive a myriad of future Latin American students and researchers in Sciences. Today it is also suitable to capture the spirit and objective of our Symposium: from theory to applications, we are still after the understanding and conquest of nuclear physics.

LASNPA2024 will take place here!:
Faculty of Sciences (Facultad de Ciencias)
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Investigación Científica, C.U.,
Coyoacán, C.P.04510, Ciudad de México, MX