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Rebelión : Alternative information (in Spanish) about current world events, social movements, and human rights.

ZNet: An online magazine "commited to social change". There is also a Spanish version.

The New War on Terror : a critical look at recent events, by Noam Chomsky (there is also a Spanish translation).

9-11 Peace : Sobering source of information on the current war, including ways to protest. Particularly valuable are the weekly bulletins. "News, information and expertise on the divide on income, wealth and health".

Ya Basta! : The EZLN site, with information on the Zapatista movement and the plight of Mexico's indigenous peoples. (See also the FZLN site.) There is also an English translation.

Amnesty International: "Working to protect human rights worldwide". (For Spanish, see el Editorial.)

Human Rights Watch: "Defending human rights worldwide".

Historia de un Movimiento Estudiantil: An electronic book (in Spanish) by Yolanda de Garay, with an account of the 1999-2001 student movement at UNAM (see also the CGH site).



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