Departamento de Gravitación y Teoría de Campos

                          Seminarios 2012


                          Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM


Jueves 14 de marzo, a las 17:00 hrs en la Sala de Seminarios del ICN

Gabriel León

Statistical aspects of the primordial cosmic seeds

The usual account for the origin of cosmic structure during inflation, is not fully satisfactory as it lacks a physical mechanism capable of generating the inhomogeneity and anisotropy of our universe, from an exactly homogeneous and isotropic initial state associated with the early inflationary regime. The "collapse proposal" considers the spontaneous dynamical collapse of the wavefunction, as a possible answer to that problem. In this talk we will see that the new approach leads to novel ways of considering some relevant features concerning the characterization of the primordial spectrum, and other statistical aspects of the CMB. In particular, we will show that the collapse proposal leads to a distinct description of the primordial Non-Gaussianities that might have left imprints on the observational data.