Departamento de Gravitación y Teoría de Campos

                          Seminarios 2010


                          Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM


Jueves 8 de Abril, a las 17:30 hrs en el Auditorio Principal del ICN

David Delepine (Universidad de Guanajuato)

New Flavour Interactions and Majorana phases

In this talk, we shall discuss how to implement New Physics effects in Neutrino oscillations. We shall show how it is possible using quantum field theory formalism to include easily effects coming from New Flavours Physics. Special focus will be done on the hypothesis of factorization which is usually done and the limit of its validity. Applications of this formalism is done to neutrino-antineutrino oscillations. We shall show how recent MINOS results on muon neutrino-antineutrino can be used to constraint the effective Majorana masses of the muon neutrino.