Departamento de Gravitación y Teoría de Campos

                          Seminarios 2014


                          Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM


Jueves 20 de febrero, a las 17:00 hrs en la Sala de Seminarios del ICN

Ana Julia Mizher (ICN/UNAM)

Development and applications of a magnetic field theory

Motivated by the existence of an intense magnetic field in some kinds of heavy ion collisions, a lot of work has been done in the past years in order to incorporate this field in the phenomenological approaches commonly adopted. Looking for a correct description of this system, new tools for a magnetic field theory have been developed, specially within finite temperature procedures. Although the motivation of most of the research involving a field theory in the presence of a magnetic background in recent years was heavy ion collisions, the tools obtained can be applied to a range of other systems, including compact stars, cosmology, condensed matter systems, among others. I will present some of the work done by the theoretical high energy group of ICN in this subject, discussing the formalism needed and the particularities of each context studied.