[ Calendario Seminarios ]

Nu-Phenomenology from Flavor Symmetries

Newton Nath (IF-UNAM)

RESUMEN: Symmetry-based studies have been very successful to explain the observed mixing pattern of neutrinos. Among number of such approaches, μ-τ reflection symmetry, which predicts θ_{23}=π/4, δ=± π/2 together with non-zero θ_{13}, attracts a lot of attention in recent times. On the other hand, the type-I seesaw mechanism remains the simplest and elegant one to describe the theory behind the neutrino mass. In this talk, we shall discuss the μ-τ reflection symmetry which we embed into the minimal seesaw model to explain both the neutrino mass and mixings. Furthermore, to explain the latest global best-fit values of neutrino oscillation data, which favor non-maximal values of θ_{23} and δ, we shall talk about the breaking of such symmetry. We shall also talk about the generalize CP-symmetry and bi-large ansatze to explain the leptonic mixing patterns. Finally, we shall discuss the consequences of such symmetry for the long baseline neutrino oscillation experiment, DUNE as well as neutrinoless double beta decay experiments.